Year 3

It has been another busy term with assessments, excursions and other fun events. Students have been busily engaged with a variety of topics covered.

This term students went on an excursion to Scienceworks, where they watched a movie in the planetarium about constellations, the solar system, why we have night and day, years, seasons and how shadows are formed. It was a great opportunity for them to be introduced to the integrated studies topic ‘Earth and Space Sciences’.

This term students have also been involved in the gymnastics program. These sessions were not only fun, but they pushed the students to their limits and some students discovered skills of which they were not aware. In physical education classes students have been learning the rules of soccer where they have been practising dribbling, kicking, passing and shooting. They have also built on their team-building skills by working together to learn the rules and competing against each other in mini games.

In maths, students explored multiplication, division and fractions. They have also looked at volume and capacity, and statistics and data. The students have enjoyed weighing and measuring different objects related to mass and capacity, using different measuring tools and using the correct units of measurement.

In regards to homework, please make sure that students are completing their online Reading Express tasks and Mathletics tasks. Students are given time to complete these tasks at school both during scheduled lessons and during timetabled lunch breaks. Please ensure that students complete this component of the homework.

Homework booklets are distributed on Mondays and are due on Fridays. Please check SEQTA regularly to monitor progress.

We would like to congratulate all Year 3 students for their continued hard work and effort this term. In particular we would like to congratulate our spelling bee contestants Idil Ismail and Aisha Shakeel for coming first in the competition. Well done girls.

Hope you all have a great term break. We are looking forward to seeing you next term.

Kind regards,
Mr Erkan Kocdemir and Ms Medine Cilek